What’s new in A360 v32? A360 v32 New Features

Today, we are about to dig into the A360 v32 new features nestled within the Automation Anywhere platform. The A360 v32 was rolled out in mid-April 2024. The build version of this v32 release is 22278.

A360 v32 New Features

There will be much more to explore in Automation 360 than just what’s covered in this post. But for now, let’s focus on the cream of the crop: Gen AI Enhanced Document Automation, Generative Recorder, Generative AI Packages, and Connector Builder.

GenAI Enhanced Document Automation

You can now easily extract table data from unstructured documents using simple Natural Language queries, making document processing faster and more accurate.

Support available for:

  • Cloud and On-Prem versions
  • Unstructured and Semi-structured documents.

A360 v32 Features - GenAI in DA Table Fields

Generative Recorder

Get ready for the future with a tool that adjusts to the changes in captured elements and guarantees that your automations are strong and dependable.

With the new fallback mechanism in Generative Recorder, you can now confidently automate dynamic web pages.

A360 v32 - Generative Recorder

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Generative Recorder is designed to handle changes in UI elements seamlessly, providing features like:

  • Fallback
  • Security
  • validation
  • Notifications
  • Flexibility

This feature requires purchasing an additional license.

Generative AI Packages

Seamlessly blend Google Gemini and OpenAI Assistants into your workflows, opening up new automation and AI teamwork opportunities.

A360 v32 - Generative AI Packages

Connector Builder

Integrate any cloud application or service easily with the Connector Builder tool. It enables you to create custom connectors in minutes without Java expertise unlike creating custom packages.

Explore more on Connector Builder by visiting the Automation Anywhere Docs Portal.

At the time of writing this post, this feature is only available for cloud customers on AWS and it requires and additional license.

All in all, we have a bounty of innovative features that take the power, flexibility, and convenience of Automation 360 to greater heights. That’s it for today’s deep dive into the world of Automation 360.

A360 v32 New Features Video


Make sure to try out all these new features today! For more information on everything new with the v.32 release, dive into the release notes

Happy Automating 🤖

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