What’s new in A360 v33? A360 v33 New Features

Today, we will dig into the A360 v33 new features recently released within the Automation Anywhere platform. The A360 v33 was rolled out in mid-July 2024. The build version of this v33 release is 23192.

A360 v33 New Features

There will be much more to explore in Automation 360 v33 than just what this post covers. But for now, let’s focus on the cream of the crop: AI Agent Studio, Autopilot, Advanced Debugging and Enhanced Automation Templates

Want to check the previous version? refer here

🚀AI Agent Studio

AI Agents are the next-gen tools that can adapt, learn from company data, and make smart decisions to handle complex tasks.

Imagine an AI Agent seamlessly choosing the best replacement for an out-of-stock product or efficiently directing customer service tickets to the right representative. By automating intricate processes, AI Agents free up business teams to focus on more valuable work.

AI and Automation

Using the AI Agent Studio, developers can now easily build, manage, and customize AI Agents tailored to your specific needs.

1️⃣AI Skills

AI Agents are powered by specialized generative AI capabilities known as AI Skills. These skills are crafted using foundational models, connected to enterprise data, and fine-tuned with prompts.

They can be reused across various automations, enabling even novice developers to leverage the power of generative AI without prior experience.

2️⃣Model Connection

Choose from a wide array of models from major Cloud platforms like AWS Bedrock, Microsoft Azure OpenAI, and Google Vertex AI. Evaluate each model’s performance as you create and refine AI prompts and skills.

3️⃣Enrich Enterprise Context

Enhance model outputs and reduce errors with our native Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) capability or integrate with RAG services from our Cloud partners (such as AWS, GCP, and OpenAI Enterprise).

4️⃣AI Security & Governance Controls

Strengthen AI governance by using only approved models to meet compliance and regulatory standards. Gain better insights into prompts and responses through robust audit and real-time monitoring features.

With AI Agents, your enterprise can elevate its automation game, making it easier for teams to focus on what truly matters.

Source: Automation Anywhere Docs

Note: This feature is only available to Automation 360 Cloud customers and requires the Enterprise Platform license.

🧪Advanced Debugging

Boost developer productivity by making debugging complex, multi-level automations a breeze. Effortlessly navigate and troubleshoot nested automations, utilize the call stack to track and manage automation sequences, and dynamically adjust variables to quickly identify and resolve issues.

Now we can debug the child bots which was a pain area before v33. This feature enables developers to debug end-to-end automation.

Advance Debugging A360
Source: Automation Anywhere Docs


Autopilot is now Generally Available (GA), empowering our customers to leverage generative AI to swiftly convert process maps into automation. This advancement allows automation teams to shrink the lifecycle from months to days, accelerating business ROI.

Process Discovery outputs (PDD) are transformed into a process workflow stub, complete with code and guidance, making it easy for developers to finalize with Automation Co-pilot for Automators.

With Autopilot, your organization can rapidly discover and deploy automations, delivering ROI faster than ever before.

Note: This feature is only available to cloud customers and requires the Automator AI Platform Base license.

RPAFeed youtube channel

📑Enhanced Automation Templates

Streamline, speed up, and expand your automation development with process templates.

Jumpstart the creation of robust and scalable automations across your organization using our pre-built templates. Save time and improve automation quality and reliability with templates that incorporate best practices.

You can create and reuse templates to capture repetitive patterns in automations, further optimizing developer productivity.

A360 v33 new features: Process template A360

📺A360 v33 New Features Video


Make sure to try out all these A360 v33 new features today! For more information on everything new with the v.33 release, dive into the release notes

Happy Automating 🤖

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