Cannot delete device as it is part of active bot deployment in A360

[Resolved] Cannot delete device as it is part of active bot deployment in A360

In this post, we are going to resolve the issue “Cannot delete device as it is part of active bot deployment” that you might be facing frequently when your BOT is stuck in In Progress Stage and you are unable to move it to history.

This solution will also solve the issues below if you are using a Community or On-Prem Control Room.

  • BOT stuck in In Progress Stage and not able to move it to history
  • BOT stuck in Pending execution Stage and not able to move it to history
  • Cannot delete device as it is part of an active bot deployment

Error: Cannot delete device as it is part of active bot deployment

While running your bot it might happen that the previous bot run was stuck and now you are unable to run the bot anymore.

Cannot delete device as it is part of an active bot deployment

Sometimes the error doesn’t go away even after you uninstall the bot agent and re-install it.

System allows only a single device to be registered

When you try to delete, you are unable to delete your device as well since it’s a part of active bot deployment.

Cannot delete device as it is part of an active bot deployment

[Solution]: Cannot delete device as it is part of active bot deployment

CAUTION: The steps mentioned below may affect existing deployments on the devices. Kindly perform the steps ONLY after reviewing your existing bot deployments.

To resolve the issue, follow the below instructions and reset the device.


  • You need to have postman with access to the cloud
  • This API can be accessed only by the admin. In the case of the community edition, the “CE_bot” user can access it.

Step1: Go to the Postman and Authenticate

Method: POST

URI: https://<Control Room>/v1/authentication


{ “username”: “<Admin user>”, “password”: “<Admin Pass>” }


{ “username”: “<CE user>”, “password”: “<CE Pass>” }

Step2: Copy the token generated between quotes “” as shown

Cannot delete device as it is part of active bot deployment in A360

Note: For SSO-based user login, use the API Key instead of the password to generate the Authentication token.

Refer – Generate API-Key to Access APIs in A360

Step3: Reset the device

Method: POST

URI: https://<Control Room>/v2/devices/reset

KEY: X-Authorization
VALUE: <Token copied from step 1>

Note: Remember to set the key as “X-Authorization” instead of “x-authorization” if the lowercase doesn’t work.

Cannot delete device as it is a part of active bot deployment in A360


"deviceIds": {
"ids": [deviceID]

For example, if my device id is 156079 then the API body will look like the below:

"deviceIds": {
"ids": [156079]

Cannot delete device as it is a part of active bot deployment in A360

Finding Device ID in A360 Control Room

You can get the device ID by going to Control Room> Devices > Click on the device name or view device > in the URL, you’ll see the device id.

https://<Control Room>/#/devices/mydevices/<DeviceID>/view

If the device has been removed from the Control Room, and you don’t know what the device ID is, or it requires to be done for multiple devices, you can use the below text in the body of the API call mentioned above.

"allDevices": {

Additional Information

Reset API can do the following actions for all devices in the tenant or for a specific list of devices

  1. Terminate all running executions
  2. Release all usages
  3. Reprocess the queue for the device

As per the JSON format, the ‘\’ is considered an escape character. Therefore, use one more “\” (‘\\’ in place of single \) so that it is not considered an escape character.

[Youtube Video] Cannot delete device as it is part of active bot deployment

You can watch the video on resolving this error step by step.

Final Thoughts

I hope this post has been helpful, and that you can resolve the “Cannot delete device as it is part of active bot deployment” error. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below.

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Happy Automation!

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