How to Generate API-Key to access APIs in A360?

In this post, we will be demonstrating the use of Generate API-Key to access APIs in A360.

From Automation Anywhere version 11.3.2 onwards, a new feature is supported with the Control Room for accessing APIs. This is by default not enabled for any of the System-created roles & needs a custom role to be created to assign this feature.

How to Generate API-Key to access APIs in A360?

We have divided the process of generating the API-Key in A360 into a two-step process.

Step 1: Assigning Generate API-Key role:

  • Log in to the Control Room as an Admin user.
  • Navigate to the Administration>Roles section & Create a new Role.
  • Provide a custom name for the new role being created.
  • Scroll down to the API section & select the Generate API-Key option under API.
  • Assign the users available to assign this role to Generate the API-Key.
  • Click on Create Role to Save the created Role.

Generate API-Key to access APIs in A360

Step 2: Generate an API-Key:

  • Log in to the Control Room with the user’s credentials having the above-created role assigned.
  • Once logged in, click on the username in the left pane bottom of the Control Room and click on MySettings.
  • Click on the Generate API-Key to generate the Key.

Generate API-Key to access APIs in A360

  • If you already generated an API-Key then there would be a popup asking to regenerate it. Once you click on Yes, the existing API-Key and its references would be invalidated and a new API-Key would be generated. You would need to update the new API-Key in all your existing references.

Confimation Popup while generating API-Key

  • You can use the API-Key in the authentication API to get the authentication token.

Generate API-Key to access APIs in A360

Configuring API-Key Duration in A360

You can configure the duration for the API-Key generated using the above steps. The steps to configure the API-Key duration are:

  1. Log in to the control room with an Admin user.
  2. Navigate to Administration > Settings > Security Settings and update the API-Key Duration setting.

API-Key duration

Further Reference

You may read the example on Automation Anywhere’s Docs portal.

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Offered By: Automation Anywhere

We believe that after reading this post you should be able to Generate API-Key to access APIs in A360. If you face any issues, feel free to comment below.

For more posts on A360, check this 👉 Automation Anywhere A360 topics

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