Triggers in Automation Anywhere A360

In this post, we will learn Triggers in Automation Anywhere A360 platform. A trigger is an action that occurs during a specific event.

For example, When a button click event occurs you want to log timestamp data to a text file. So here you can create a trigger that will log the timestamp data to a text file and this trigger will only be executed once the specified button is clicked.

Triggers in Automation Anywhere A360

We have options to configure triggers in Automation 360. At the time of writing this blog post, there are 4 types of triggers in A360.

  1. Email Trigger
  2. Files and Folders
  3. Hot Key
  4. Interface Trigger

Triggers in A360

Email Trigger

To use Email Trigger, you need to drag and drop it from the left pane onto your bot designer. After performing this step, you can configure your email settings like Host, Port, Username, and Password.

Then you can specify a trigger condition as highlighted on the right side. When the specified condition is met your bot will be triggered.

Email Trigger in A360

Files and Folders

Using Files & folders trigger you can configure your bot execution based on changes made to the folders or files.

Suppose you want to trigger a bot when a file is created or deleted then you can use the file trigger. Similarly, if your action needs to be on folder level, you can use folder trigger.

Files and Folders trigger in A360

Hot Key

Just drag and drop the Hot key trigger from the left pane and you can configure any of the keys on pressing that bot will be triggered.

For instance, in the screenshot below we have configured Ctrl + A as Hotkey. So on pressing the Hotkey, the bot will be triggered.

Hotkey trigger in A360

Interface Trigger

Using an interface trigger is similar to using a recorder package. When you have a requirement to execute your bot on any even on UI or some other object, you can use the Interface trigger.

Interface trigger in A360

Triggers in Automation 360 Video 

Two of the above four triggers in Automation Anywhere A360 are explained in this video with help of an example. If you want, you can watch this and support us by subscribing to the channel and sharing the video.

Design, develop and deploy software bots with RPA. Build an intelligent digital workforce using RPA, cognitive automation, and analytics. Automate business processes using Automation Anywhere products.

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