What is HyperAutomation? Is it RPA+AI?

In this post, we have covered:

  • What is HyperAutomation?
  • Why use HyperAutomation?
  • How to get started with HyperAutomation?

HyperAutomation is one of the leading technology in Gartner’s list of Top 10 strategic trends for 2020.

What is HyperAutomation?

HyperAutomation is the mix of automation technologies, to deliver end-to-end automation beyond RPA by combining complementary technologies like artificial intelligence and NLP that, when combined, augment human capabilities, allowing them to complete processes faster, more efficiently, and with fewer errors.

Traditional automation can be the simple optimization of task processes(bots), whereas hyper-automation has an extra layer of robotic intelligence that makes the process even faster, error-free, and end-end automation.

HyperAutomation is a means for real digital transformation.

what is HyperAutomation

The intelligent layer can include AI technologies in various forms:

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) lets bots interpret human speech.
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR) lets bots convert images into readable text.
  • Machine Learning (ML) lets bots identify patterns in data.
  • Deep Learning (DL) improves extraction accuracy through DL algorithms.

When combined with automation software, these technologies dramatically expand the automation possibilities end to end.

Why use HyperAutomation?

AI is what differentiates Digital Workers from standard automation approaches. Making RPA+AI the essential ingredients of hyper-automation.

The point of Automation/Hyper Automation is to augment human capabilities, not to replace them. Hyper automation should not be seen as a potential opportunity, but also an inevitable change.

Let us take an example: When we try to automate a task with predefined rules using automation tools, how about these AI technologies involves and takes the decision and mold the automation tasks like humans. Yes, it is an addon to the traditional automation that will give error-free end-to-end automation allowing to complete the process faster.

How to get started with HyperAutomation?

Hyper Automation by definition involves multiple technologies, it’s important for businesses investing in to select the right tools and technologies.  A good starting point is to search for one that is easy to use, scalable, and works across platforms and systems.

Finding a tool that speaks well with your people is, however, also crucial to the success of hyper-automation.

Today, most teams are built up of people with many different skills and backgrounds, and finding a tool that can be easily used by all and collaborated within is important.

Unfortunately, most automation platforms today require their users to be able to write and read code. Choosing a tool that eliminates this barrier can, therefore, give businesses a huge head starts in the automation race.


Organizations need the ability to reconfigure operations and supporting processes in response to evolving needs and competitive threats in the market.

A hyper automated future state can only be achieved through hyper agile working practices and tools.

Basic parameters to choose the right tool

Below are a few parameters for choosing the right tool:

  • Efficiency: Reduce the number of employees required to accomplish a task
  • Speed: Bots work continuously, reducing the time it takes to accomplish tasks.
  • Quality: RPA, when implemented in stable and well-defined processes, is more accurate than people, raising the quality of work.
  • Cost Savings: RPA can lower operating costs and extend system usage in the absence of APIs, stretching ROI.
  • Productivity: RPA helps remove mundane tasks so employees can focus on driving real impact throughout the organization.

Benefits of HyperAutomation

Work is so much faster, better, and more fulfilling with software robots by our side.

  • Rapidly identify and automate all possible business processes with an evolving set of Al technologies.
  • Empower everyone in the organization – business and IT – to automate and contribute to the transformation without fear.
  • Enable people and robots to automate together, from basic processes to more complex, long-running, end-to-end business processes.
  • Manage the full cycle of automation at a big scale, from discovering automation opportunities to measuring the ROI.

We believe that know you know What is HyperAutomation?. If you have any concerns or doubts related to this article, please comment below. Also, do share this information with your friends and colleagues.

Happy Automating!

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