Datetime Package in A360 With Example

In this post, we will be learning about all the actions available in a Datetime Package in A360 with help of an example.


Date, time, and time zone are all components of a DateTime value. Datetime variables in RPA Workspace are used to hold DateTime values.

Datetime Package in A360

Datetime Package in A360 helps you to use the DateTime data type of variable and perform various date operations using the available Actions.

Actions available in a Datetime package are:


Assign action is used to assign a date in string format to the datetime variable. This action lets you assign an existing Datetime variable into a Datetime variable.


Add action enables us to add the date and time units to the existing DateTime value. For example, if you add value as “2” and specify the unit as “Days” then it will add 2 days into the existing date.


Subtract action enables us to decrease the date and time units from the existing DateTime value. For example, if you put the value as “2” and specify the unit as “Days” then it will reduce 2 days from the existing date.


ToString action helps us to convert a datetime value to a string value. When we want to pass the datetime value as a string to the child bot or in the same bot, we can use this action.


Size action lets us compare the two dates. It always returns a boolean value. If the two values are equal, it returns True otherwise it returns False.


IsAfter action compares two Datetime variables and verifies if the date of the source variable is after the date of the comparison variable, and stores the output to a Boolean variable.


IsBefore action compares two Datetime variables and verifies if the date of the source variable is before the date of the comparison variable, and stores the output to a Boolean variable.

Additionally, you can refer to the Datetime formats and pre-built formats available in Automation 360.

👉 Datetime Formats

Datetime Package in A360 with Example Code

Datetime Package in A360 With Example

Datetime Package in A360 Video

In case you prefer a video format to learn concepts, you may refer to our Datetime Package in A360 video on our youtube channel. Also, please consider subscribing to the channel.

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Offered By: Automation Anywhere


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For more posts on A360, check this 👉 Automation Anywhere A360 topics

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